以8077s与抗感的籼稻品种丰35亲本及杂交后自交所得的F2群体为材料,采用群分法(Bulked SegregantAnalysis,BSA),从210个10mer随机引物,找到2个水稻苯达松敏感池和抗感池之间表现多态性的特异引物———S20和S316,分别产生的标记片段为S20-440和S316-590。它们与bel基因的连锁距离分别为12.13 cM和7.97 cM。对RAPD扩增标记的片段进行克隆、测序,根据测序结果合成两对特异性的SCAR引物,包含原有的RAPD序列。SC01引物在敏感单株中扩增出1条423 bp带;SC02引物在敏感单株中扩增出1条606 bp带,它们的SCAR标记与bel基因的连锁距离为10.66 cM和7.04 cM。应用SCAR标记对水稻恢复系进行了辅助选育。
Using 8077s and indica rice variety Feng 35 parents and self-cross F2 population obtained after hybridization as materials, Bulked Segregannalysis (BSA) And anti-sense pool polymorphism between the specific primers - S20 and S316, respectively, the resulting marker fragments S20-440 and S316-590. Their linkage to the bel gene was 12.13 cM and 7.97 cM, respectively. The RAPD amplified fragments were cloned and sequenced. According to the sequencing results, two pairs of specific SCAR primers were synthesized, including the original RAPD sequence. SC01 primer amplified a 423 bp band in sensitive plants. SC02 primer amplified a 606 bp band in sensitive plants, and their SCAR markers belonged to a distance of 10.66 cM and 7.04 cM. The SCAR marker was used to supplement the rice restorer line.