说话问题:一位初涉家电维修的同行提出这样一个问题——更换行输出变压器后,场扫描输出级供电电压偏低怎么办?请看下面的检修实例:某用户正在收看的一台康力(CONIC)彩电突然机内冒烟,图像随之消失,用户立即关机。送修后开盖检查,发现行输出变压器塑壳表面出现突凸开裂并且冒出黑色流体。显然行输出变压器内部绝缘已被击穿损坏,必须更换。然后拆下行输出管检测,发现该管的集电极—发射极之间正、反向电阻均在630 Ω左右,说明行输出管已受到很大的损伤,性能下降,不能再继续使用了。在购买元器件时,行输出管买到了同一规格型
Talking question: A pioneer appliance repair colleagues raised such a question - replace the line output transformer, the field scan output stage supply voltage is low how to do? See the following example of maintenance: a user is watching a Kang Li (CONIC) TV sudden machine smoke, the image disappears, the user immediately shut down. After inspection, open the lid inspection and found that the line output transformer molded case surface convex and cracked and black fluid emerge. Obviously the output transformer internal breakdown has been damaged, must be replaced. Then remove the line output tube test and found that the tube collector - emitter positive and reverse resistance are about 630 Ω, indicating that the output tube has been greatly damaged, performance degradation, can no longer continue to use. In the purchase of components, the output tube to buy the same specifications