彩色显象管的亮度之争起始于六年以前。当时有人提出了用铕激活的红色磷光体,使亮度提高了40%,从那时至今,亮度在逐渐提高。 美国无线电公司在1969年拿出一种提高亮度100%的新型彩色管,特点是屏上120万个磷光体点的周围都是黑色的。其他一些制造彩色显象管的公司也都纷纷抛出他们的“超亮”管子,有的只是利用新的磷光体,有的采用新的“黑色周边”。
The color picture tube brightness debate began six years ago. At that time, it was proposed that europium activated red phosphors, the brightness increased by 40%, since then, the brightness is gradually increased. In 1969, the U.S. radio company came up with a new color tube that increased brightness by 100%. The feature was that the black dots around the 1.2 million phosphor dots were black. Other companies that make color tubes have also thrown their “super bright” tubes, some just using new phosphors and some using new “black perimeters.”