来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huacheng5215
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A new version of the Stimulating Wave Nearshore (SWAN) model (version 40.51) was used to stimulate the evolution of directional irregular wave near a single breakwater and the Wen spectrum was adopted as an input spectrum. The wave diffraction effect of irregular wave, which is the main improvement compared with the previous SWAN versions, was tested with the experimental data of single breakwater collected in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering (SLCOE) at Dalian University of Technology (DUT) and the stimulated results of Wu Yan and JONSWAP spectrum as input data, respectively. By comparing the results in four cases, it is seen that the results stimulated by the SWAN model with the JONSWAP or Wen spectra are better than those with Wu’s spectrum, and the results simulated with the Wen spectrum is little larger than those with the JONSWAP spectrum and more closely approximated to the measured data compared to the results with the JONSWAP spectrum. It is then concluded that the new SWAN model with the Wen spectrum can be well used to stimulate wave diffraction around a single breakwater. A new version of the Stimulating Wave Nearshore (SWAN) model (version 40.51) was used to stimulate the evolution of directional irregular waves near a single breakwater and the Wen spectrum was adopted as an input spectrum. is the main improvement compared with the previous SWAN versions, was tested with the experimental data of single breakwater collected in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering (SLCOE) at Dalian University of Technology (DUT) and the stimulated results of Wu Yan and JONSWAP spectrum as input data, respectively. By comparing the results in four cases, it is seen that the results stimulated by the SWAN model with the JONSWAP or Wen spectra are better than those with Wu's spectrum, and the results simulated with the Wen spectrum is little larger than those with the JONSWAP spectrum and more closely approximated to the measured data compared to the results with the JONSWAP spectrum. It is then c oncluded that the new SWAN model with the Wen spectrum can be well used to stimulate wave diffraction around a single breakwater.
讨论了构建在轨卫星远程诊断系统的基本要求.建立了基于在轨卫星状态参数的远程诊断体系架构,划分了系统功能层次模型,研究了系统实现方法及技术关键点.以网络服务(Web service)技术体系为核心,基于浏览器/服务器(B/S)三层结构建立了在轨卫星远程诊断原型试验系统,阐述了系统故障诊断的具体过程.通过系统仿真表明综合运用相关模块能初步实现在轨卫星运行状态的获知与报警、故障的诊断与隔离、维护建议的提
编辑同志: 2005年发洪水期间,知青作业队司机王安驾驶东风货车运送紧急救援物资,中途遇到洪水,在他车前面行驶的其他车辆都安全返回了单位,王安的车辆却一直没有回来,后来单
The application of high speed data bus on the satellites having several remote sensors could not only satisfy the demand of high speed data transfer,but also co