According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the United States will introduce Japan’s aseptic acellular bacterin in Japan over the past 10 years to boost vaccination against whooping cough in children. The institute said studies in Japan and Sweden have shown that it is safe and effective to vaccinate infants aged 15 to 18 months and children aged 4 to 6 years. Added that the adverse reactions caused by the vaccine were lower than the B. pertussis whole-cell vaccine used in the United States. In recent years, vaccination of B. pertussis whole-cell vaccine has been controversial, with some parents refusing to vaccinate their children for fear of causing brain damage when vaccinated with whole-cell vaccines. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is commenting on whether such a whooping cough cell-free vaccine will be approved for intensified vaccination of children over the age of 15 months. The society said,