
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hui8554974
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[Objective] Study on the photosynthesis and fluorescence characteristics in peony under water stress. [Method] The two peony varieties Huhong and Luoyanghong were treated by different water stress for determining the photosynthesis and fluorescence characteristics. [Result] With the aggravation of water stress,the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased,while the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) increased. Drought could decrease Pn,constrain gas exchange and change the daily photosynthesis. Fo of peony leaf increased and Fv/Fm decreased under water stress especially water logging,causing the inactivation of the PS II reaction center,and the chlorophyll fluorescence characters gradually recovered until afternoon. [Conclusion] The 75% soil relative water content (SRWC) is the best condition for growth of peony. Compared with drought,water logging is more unfit for the growth of peony. For the two varieties,Huhong assumed more tolerance to drought,accordingly more adaptability. [Objective] Study on the photosynthesis and fluorescence characteristics in peony under water stress. [Method] The two peony varieties Huhong and Luoyanghong were treated by different water stress for determining the photosynthesis and fluorescence characteristics. [Result] With the aggravation of water stress, The net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and stomatal conductance (Gs) decreased, while the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) increased. Drought could decrease Pn, constrain gas exchange and change the daily photosynthesis. Fo of peony leaf increased and Fv / Fm decreased under water stress especially water logging, causing the inactivation of the PS II reaction center, and the chlorophyll fluorescence pattern gradually recovered until afternoon. [Conclusion] The 75% soil relative water content (SRWC) is the best condition for growth of peony. drought, water logging is more unfit for the growth of peony. For the two varieties, Huhong assumed more tolerance to drought, accordin gly more adaptability.
目的 观察前列腺增生症合并慢性前列腺炎患者中采用手术治疗的效果.方法 将前列腺增生症合并慢性前列腺炎患者中的114例,经电脑随机法均分组为手术组及常规组.常规组患者接受
赤霉素在不结球白菜长到4片真叶时,用20~75毫克/升的赤霉素药液处理2次,20天后,叶片的长、宽均较对照增大,可增产40%左右。抑芽丹(青鲜素)温暖地区9月播种越冬到早春上市的 G