2008年5月的最后一周,一年一度的黑池舞蹈节(Blackpool Dance Festival)再度开启了她华丽的帷幕,迎接来自全世界的舞者和舞迷们的热情拥抱。5月22日,第83届黑池舞蹈节以全新的面貌款款来到人们跟前。自从理查德·格里夫(Rechard Gleave)在去年履行了担任1年黑池主持人的承诺并宣布卸任后,有着八届黑池职业标准舞冠军和九届世界职业标准舞冠军的辉煌历史的马科斯·希尔顿爵士(Marcus Hillton MBE)接过了理查德的话筒,成为历年来最年轻的黑池主
In the last week of May 2008, the annual Blackpool Dance Festival opened her magnificent curtain again, welcoming the enthusiastic embrace of dancers and dancers from all over the world. On May 22nd, the 83rd Blackpool Dance Festival came to people with a new look. Ever since Rechard Gleave honored his first year as Blackpool host and announced his resignation, with a brilliant history of eight Blackpool Professional Standard Championships and the Ninth World Professional Standard Champion Marcus Hillton MBE took Richard’s microphone and became the youngest Blackpool host