Color variation in signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus

来源 :动物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suaixin
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External coloration in animals depends on the interaction of several different factors including the genetics and epigenetics processes that underlie the color expression,the mechanisms of color perception,and the general mechanisms controlling color evolution and function.Among all,cam-ouflages from predators and conspicuousness are of particular interest because pose animal to choose between opposite adjustment in coloration.The external coloration of crustaceans is main-ly due to the accumulation of carotenoids in the exoskeleton and the epidermal layer,and the trade-off between camouflage and communication had led to a variety of responses,involving sig-nal partitioning,spectral sensibility,changing coloration,or signaling behavior.Here,we used digital images to explore intrapopulation variability of the external coloration of Pacifastacus leniusculus among body regions within an individual and between sexes.We found that 1)ventral coloration of claws are more saturated and brilliant than upper parts,2)males express a more satu-rated and brightness coloration than females,especially on the lower portion of claws,3)color in-tensity and brightness increases with size differently in different body regions,and 4)brightness is more variable in males than in females.All the above patterns support the hypothesis that color in this species could be the result of a compromise between camouflage from predators and con-spicuousness for communication.The results of this study suggest that carotenoid might have something to do with intraspecific communication and perform more complex functions than that of a simple pigment.
叹花诗  昔日播种需开花,桃花梨花复赛猜。  行逢花开开且落,问言谁家花颜改?  花开花落是季时,奈何花径空徘徊。  今日花色忧花浅,不如昔花好无赖。  风劲落花长叹息,鸟雀呼晴心似海。  青袍鬓霜非少年,枉费流年锁妆台。  亦步亦趋漫飞舞,寥落星际一尘埃。  有感  昨晚置酒归荣和,步履飘飘如凌波。  忽如一夜雨霏霏,星星万点散家门。  珠帘不湿尤不得,裘润锦衾冷犹着。  此番天作应三月,孟冬何
As small heat shock proteins,α-crystallins function as molecular chaperones and inhibit the misfolding and aggregation of β/γ-crystallins.Genetic mutations o
As human development expands,environments are increasingly exposed to anthropogenic noise which may disrupt animals in a var-iety of ways.Anthropogenic noise ca
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