1 病历报告 患者,男,39岁,工人。因全身皮疹、瘙痒1个月,伴高热8天于2000年2月29日收住我院。患者于1个月前诱因不明于两手指、足趾端伸侧出现红色斑疹、瘙痒,渐蔓延至四肢、躯干及面部。曾按“皮肤过敏”口服扑尔敏,静滴地塞米松(10mg/d)10天后无效,入院前9天停药。停药后第2日出现高热,皮疹加重,出现四肢肿胀,瘙痒明显,继服地塞米松(10mg/d),加用双黄连、干扰素、丙球等治疗,病情不能控制。既往身体健康,无上呼吸道感染史,否认有冶游史和吸毒史,无药物过敏史。爱人及子女体健。入院检查:体温39.3℃,急性病容,一般情况尚佳,无消瘦。两颈侧、腋下及腹股沟浅表淋巴结肿大,最大约直径2cm大小,无明显触痛,部分固定。口腔粘膜未见异常,咽部无明显充血,扁桃体无肿大,左口角
1 medical record patient, male, 39 years old, worker. Due to systemic rash, itching 1 month, with fever 8 days in February 29, 2000 admitted to our hospital. Patient 1 month before the trigger is unknown in the two fingers, toe extensor side of the red rash, itching, gradually spread to limbs, trunk and face. According to “skin allergy” oral chlorpheniramine, intravenous dexamethasone (10mg / d) 10 days after the invalid, nine days before admission withdrawal. On the second day after withdrawal, the patient experienced fever and rash aggravating. His limbs became swollen and the itching was obvious. Following treatment with dexamethasone (10 mg / d) and Shuanghuanglian, interferon and corticosteroids, the disease could not be controlled. Past physical health, no history of upper respiratory tract infection, denied a history of travel and drug abuse history, no history of drug allergy. Loving and child health. Admission examination: body temperature 39.3 ℃, acute disease, the general situation is good, no weight loss. Two neck side, armpit and groin superficial lymph nodes, the maximum diameter of about 2cm in size, no obvious tenderness, part of the fixed. No abnormal oral mucosa, throat no obvious congestion, tonsil no swollen, left mouth