例1:男,54岁,外科医师。因右足癣行~(60)钴照射治疗,致足背皮肤放射性溃疡。伤后近2年来,先后给予创面用药及扩创自体皮肤移植术,溃疡未愈,且创面逐渐扩大、加深,肉芽组织呈肉红色,分泌物增多,右足疼痛加重。病理检查为鳞状上皮癌。即行右小腿下段截肢术,术后恢复良好。 例2:男,56岁,放射科医师。因使用老化、破裂的铅手套而致右手指背皮肤放射性皮炎,右环指指背近侧指间关节处形成 3cm×1.5cm溃疡。创面裸露而未予治疗,4个月后右手疼痛难忍,溃疡
Example 1: Male, 54 years old, surgeon. Caused by the right foot claudication line ~ (60) cobalt irradiation treatment, caused by the skin back foot ulcers. In the past two years after injury, wounds were administered and autologous skin grafts were used to expand wounds. Healing ulcers were unhealed, and the wounds gradually enlarged and deepened. The granulation tissue was red meat, and the secretions increased. The pain in the right foot increased. The pathological examination was squamous cell carcinoma. The right lower leg amputation was performed and the postoperative recovery was good. Example 2: Male, 56 years old, radiologist. Due to the use of aging, broken lead gloves caused by radioactive skin dermatitis of the right finger back, right ring refers to the formation of 3cm × 1.5cm ulcers in the proximal interphalangeal joint. The wound is bare and untreated, the right hand is painless after 4 months, ulcer