姓名:性别:年龄:联系地址:学校:年级:1.你对本期杂志的评价:□超级好看,大力支持□还算不错,期待下期□勉强接受,有些无聊□比较失望,不想再读2.对本期的封面、插图的评价:□很棒□一般□难看3.本期你喜欢的文章:A B C4.本期你喜欢的栏目:A B C
Name: Sex: Age: Address: School: Grade: 1. What’s your comment on this issue: □ super good-looking, strong support □ not bad, looking forward to next period reluctantly accepted, somewhat boring □ disappointed, no longer want to read 2 . Comment on the current issue of the cover, illustration: □ Excellent □ General □ Ugly 3. This issue your favorite article: AB C4. Current section of your Favorites: ABC