江西省新余市水泥厂厂长傅志高刚刚获得1993年度全国十大杰出青年的荣誉称号,就陷入了四面楚歌的境地。经过检察机关层层剥笋般的侦查,终于将他熠熠生辉的“画皮”撕去,露出了贪婪、虚伪的本来面目。 一 新余市是江西一个新倔起的城市,因它有江西最大的企业——新余钢铁有限责任公司,而被誉为“钢城“。 1988年2月,新余市委、市政府为加快企业改革步伐,实行企业承包,面向社会招聘人才,并号召党政机关
Fu Chi-kao, director of Xinyu Cement Plant in Jiangxi Province, just won the honorary title of “Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 1993” in the country. After procuratorial organs at various levels like the sprouting of the investigation, and finally his shiny “painted skin” ripped off, exposing the greedy, hypocritical, the true colors. Xinyu City, Jiangxi is a new uprising city, because it has the largest enterprise in Jiangxi - Xinyu Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and known as “Steel City.” February 1988, Xinyu municipal government to speed up the pace of enterprise reform, the implementation of enterprise contracting, recruitment of talent for the community, and called party and government agencies