This article summarizes the 38 cases of MDS blood and bone marrow imaging features: pancytopenia and secondary hematocytopenia accounted for 83.4%, 16.6% showed anemia, no single neutropenia or thrombocytopenia. 73.6% of cases of peripheral blood see erythroblasts. The bone marrow of various types of MDS have varying degrees of three-line dysplasia, but erythroid hyperplasia is more common, RA and SRA two types often take this as the main performance. The whole group of 45% of cases of erythroid there are different levels of MBT. Granulocyte hyperplasia to reduce more common. Half of the cases see the small megakaryocytes, but the small megakaryocytes in RA and SRA two types are not easy to see. This group of patients did not see the type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ primitive cells increased, and see the promyelocytic or young single increased, then became acute white, and therefore we believe that, in addition to the cooperative group of type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ primitive cells should Consider the significance of an increase in promyelocytic or semen.