On October 30, 2002, Mr. Tian Changlin, a world-renowned educator, scientist and social activist who stepped out from the earth of Jing and Chu, traveled by crane and got the attention of people of all walks of life (we published in December 2002) U.S. President Bush sent a special envoy to the condolences and sent a telegram to him saying: “Tien Chang-lin is a distinguished educator and a world-renowned scientist who has made great contributions to the country, nation, education and science and technology. The death of Tian Changlin is not only for the Chinese , Both of which are lost to the United States. ”Recently, the biography of Chang-Lin Tian, the first Honda in mainland China, was published in Hubei Province and aroused strong repercussions both at home and abroad. With the consent of the author, we will “preface” the book and the relevant preface to the masterpiece to be extracted to express our nostalgia for this outstanding son of Hubei.