精养鱼塘塘泥中的含氮量一般在12.5%、含磷5.8%,含钾7.5%以上.还含有其它有机物质和营养盐类。因此.在鱼饵缺乏的秋冬季节.将塘泥返塘是提高塘鱼产量的一条有效途径 塘泥返塘的具体方法是:可用多种工具将淤泥挖上来.拌入泥重1%~2%的生石灰,经充分搅拌
The concentration of nitrogen in intensive pond fish ponds is generally 12.5%, phosphorus 5.8% and potassium 7.5%. It also contains other organic substances and nutrients. therefore. Lack of bait in the fall and winter seasons. Returning pond mud to ponds is an effective way to increase pond fish production. The specific method of pond pond pond return is to use a variety of tools to dig up the mud. Stir lime 1% ~ 2% lime, after full mixing