一、中外优秀男子400米跑运动员速度分新400米跑是短跑中保持高速度距离最长和机体承受负荷最大的项目,是以4倍于1 00米距离连续进行大强度运动的“耐力性短跑”。400米跑运动员的体能储备与分配是决定运动员400米成绩的主要因素之一,运动员的体能储备与分配决定着400米跑的分段速度变化情况,分段速度的好坏,直接影响400
First, the Chinese and foreign outstanding men’s 400 meters runner speed sub-400-meter run is the sprint to maintain the longest distance and the body to withstand the largest load of the project, is 4 times the distance of 100 meters continuous high intensity exercise “endurance Sexual Dash ”. The physical reserve and distribution of 400-meter runners is one of the main factors that determine the athletes’ 400-meter achievement. The physical reserve and distribution of athletes determines the change of section speed of 400-meter run. The speed of section speed has a direct impact on 400