“随时、随地,任意编辑”这是EDISU 7在雷特公司官方网站上面的介绍语,同时还介绍到EDISU 7有更多的分辨率选择、无限轨道和实时编辑能力。无论是标准版的EDIUS Pro 7,还是网络版EDIUS Elite 7,在广播新闻、新闻杂志内容、工作室节目,包括纪录片,甚至4K影视制作方面,EDISU 7都是您不错的选择工具。“随时、随地”暂且不论,我要求证它是否可以任意编辑。
“Anytime, Anywhere, Any Edit ” This is the EDISU 7 introductory language on the official website of Leyte company, but also introduced to EDISU 7 more resolution options, unlimited orbit and real-time editing capabilities. Whether it’s the standard version of EDIUS Pro 7 or the online version of EDIUS Elite 7, EDISU 7 is a great choice for broadcast news, news magazine content, studio shows, including documentaries and even 4K video production. “Anytime, anywhere ” For the time being, I ask whether it can be arbitrarily edited.