目的 :探讨高原地区肥胖对糖代谢的影响。方法 :在海拔 370 0m以上的青海果洛地区随机对 14 95例当地居住者 (其中藏族 10 4 9人 ,汉族 4 46人 )采用日本京都血糖仪 (GT - 16 40 )测空腹毛细血管血糖 ,对空腹毛细血管血糖≥ 5 .5mmol/L者行OGTT (口服 75 g葡萄糖 )试验 ,按WHO标准筛查出高血糖 (包括糖尿病、糖调节障碍 )。同时测血压、体重指数 (BMI)及腰围 (WC)。结果 :调查者中肥胖 (BMI≥ 2 5 )的患病率为 2 6 .5 % ;肥胖者高血糖的患病率 (6 .6 % )显著高于非肥胖者 (4 .0 % ) ;男性腹型肥胖 (WC >85cm )的患病率 (11.3)显著高于腰围正常者 (4 .5 % )。结论 :肥胖特别是男性腹型肥胖是高原地区发生高血糖的危险因素
Objective: To investigate the effect of obesity on glucose metabolism in plateau area. Methods: Fasting capillary blood glucose was measured in 14 95 local residents (1049 Tibetans and 466 Han Chinese) by means of a Japanese blood glucose meter (GT - 16 40) at a random altitude of 370 m above sea level in Qinghai. Fasting capillary blood glucose ≥ 5 .5mmol / L line OGTT (oral 75g glucose) test, according to WHO standard screening of hyperglycemia (including diabetes, impaired glucose regulation). Simultaneous blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were measured. Results: The prevalence of obesity (BMI≥25) was 26.5% in obese people; the prevalence of hyperglycemia in obese people was significantly higher than that of non-obese patients (6.6%); The prevalence of abdominal obesity (WC> 85 cm) was significantly higher in men (11.3) than in those with normal waist (4.5%). Conclusion: Obesity, especially male abdominal obesity, is a risk factor for hyperglycemia in the plateau area