本文以80年代中、后期资料为依据,分别叙述了世界、中国及其周边国家的煤炭资源状况。目前世界煤炭资源总量已达183000×10~8t,其中亚洲占世界总量的63.2%,居世界第一位,其次为美洲、欧洲、大洋洲和非洲。煤炭资源拥有量超过10000×10~8t 的国家有苏联、中国和美国。中国煤炭资源经核算,比原来公布的15000×10~8t 有相当大的增长。中国周边拥有煤炭资源的国家有苏联、印度、越南、蒙古、日本和朝鲜等国。
Based on the mid- and late-1980s data, this paper describes the status of coal resources in the world, China and neighboring countries respectively. At present, the total amount of coal resources in the world has reached 183000 × 10 ~ 8t, of which Asia accounted for 63.2% of the world total, ranking first in the world, followed by the Americas, Europe, Oceania and Africa. Countries with coal resources over 10,000 × 10 ~ 8t include the Soviet Union, China and the United States. China’s coal resources after accounting, compared with the original 15000 × 10 ~ 8t considerable growth. China has coal resources around the country with the Soviet Union, India, Vietnam, Mongolia, Japan and North Korea and other countries.