法定检验机构 第三方公正评价 国家林业局林化产品质量检验检测中心(南京)

来源 :林产化学与工业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yvonnechan
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该中心是国家林业局授权的法定检测机构,具有第三方公正地位,挂靠中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所。是国内唯一一家通过国家计量认证的林化产品专业检测机构。可对下列产品进行质量监督和产品质量检验:脂松香及再加工产品松节油及再加工产品栲胶原料、栲胶产品活性炭产品 The center is authorized by the State Forestry Administration statutory testing agencies, with a third party just position, affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Forestry Forest Chemical Industry Institute. Is the only one through the national metrology certification of forest products professional testing agencies. The following products can be quality supervision and product quality inspection: Gum rosin and re-processed products turpentine and re-processed products 栲 plastic raw materials, 栲 plastic products activated carbon products