人的心理活动包括两个方面:心理过程和心理特征。心 理过程是心理活动的变化和发展过程。心理特征是人的个性 特征。它主要表现在能力、气质和性格等方面。“记忆”是心 理学范畴的主动心理过程,是人脑对个体过去经验的反映。 在声乐教学中,通过“记忆”可以把声音对大脑所产生的音 高、音强、音色、节奏、旋律等进行编码、存储和提取。同 时,“记忆”还是人脑对过去经验反映的心理过程。当人们感 知过的事物、经历过的事情、思考过的问题与理论,以及体 验过的情感、情绪,练习过的动作,唱过的歌曲,听过的音 乐,看过的图画、结识过的朋友,都可以在人脑中留下不同
Human psychological activities include two aspects: the psychological process and psychological characteristics. Psychological process is the psychological changes and development process. Psychological characteristics of people’s personality characteristics. It is mainly manifested in ability, temperament and character and so on. “Memory” is an active psychological process in the category of psychology and is a reflection of the human brain’s past experience on the individual. In vocal music teaching, the sound can be encoded, stored and extracted from the pitch, sound intensity, timbre, rhythm and melody produced by the brain through “memory”. At the same time, “memory” is also a psychological process that the human brain reflects on past experience. When people perceive things, things they have experienced, problems and theories that they have thought about, emotions and emotions they have experienced, actions they have practiced, songs sung, music they’ve heard, pictures they have seen, acquaintances Friends, can leave a difference in the human brain