敦煌出土的 P3813号文书,在池田温的《中国古代籍帐研究》一书中定名为(《唐(七世纪后半?)判集》,这件文书中包括十九条判词,其中除三条有残缺外其余十六条均完整。 P2979号文书在《中国古代籍帐研究》中定名为《唐开元三十
The P3813 unearthed in Dunhuang was named in Ikeda Wen’s book “The Study of Ancient Books in China” (“The Judgment of the Tang (Seventh Century Centuries?)”, Which contains 19 articles, of which three The remaining 16 are intact P2979 instruments in the “study of ancient books in China” named "Tang Kaiyuan thirty