刚踏上澳洲大陆不久,我就听说这里有一个被称为“怪人”和“与政府斗争一辈子”的著名雕塑家威廉·里基茨(william Ricketts)。今年2月的一天,我拜访了他。 里基茨的工作室兼寓所座落在墨尔本郊外的一个山坡上。周围是一大片长满桉树和蕨丛的树林,他的作品就安放在丛林之中,形成了一个独具风格的雕塑公园,游客须购门票入内,里基茨是一位九十岁高龄的老人,瘦小而精干,看不出丝毫古怪的神情,倒显得十分和善。
Shortly after embarking on the mainland of Australia, I heard of a famous sculptor william Ricketts known as the “Frankenstein” and “a lifetime struggle with the government.” One day in February of this year, I visited him. Ricketts Studios and Apartments is located on a hillside on the outskirts of Melbourne. Surrounded by a large forest of eucalypts and ferns, his work is set amid the jungle, forming a unique sculpture park where visitors must purchase tickets. Ricketts is a 90-year-old The elderly, thin and lean, can not see the slightest strange look, it seems very kind.