例1 吴某,女,68岁,退休工人.1992年3月4日来院,两耳鸟叫5年,近1年来鸟叫声严重,影响睡眠,曾在当地乡镇及市医院五官科就诊,行电测听、头颅及内听道摄片等均正常.诊为耳鸣,先后口服地巴唑、西比灵、呋喃硫胺、安定等,症状未见好转.故来我院,经CT检查证实为“脑萎缩”.进一步追问病史,有时有无线电广播声.好象针对自己,同时伴有多疑、被害妄想等.诊为老年性痴呆,给以口服氟哌啶醇、泰必利、安坦等治疗,症状消失.
Example 1 Wu, female, 68 years old, retired workers. March 4, 1992 to the hospital, two ears of birds called 5 years, nearly a year of bird sounds serious, affecting sleep, worked in the local township and city hospital ENT treatment, Line electrical audiometry, skull and internal auditory radiography Dengjun are normal. Diagnosed tinnitus, successively oral methimazole, xibidin, furan thiamine, stability and so on, the symptoms did not improve. Therefore, our hospital by CT examination Confirmed as “brain atrophy.” Further medical history, and sometimes radio sound.It seems to be for their own, accompanied by suspicious, murder delusions, etc. For diagnosed as senile dementia, to oral haloperidol, tiapride, Ann Tan and other treatment, the symptoms disappear.