2015世界互联网大会 千年古镇遇上“互联网+青春”

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当最时尚前沿的互联网遇上千年古镇,2015年12月16日召开的第二届世界互联网大会赚足了眼球。这届大会的主题是“互联互通,共享共治,共建网络空间命运共同体”。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。作为世界互联网行业的巅峰盛会,本次大会规格之高,出席的嘉宾阵容之强大,历史罕见。嘉宾中有多位外国领导人,近50位外国部长级官员,也不乏互联网行业的重量级人物:当仁不让 When the most fashionable front Internet met the ancient town of Millennium, December 16, 2015 held in the second World Internet Conference earned enough attention. The theme of this session of the General Assembly is “interoperability, sharing governance, build a common space network ”. President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech. As the pinnacle event of the Internet industry in the world, the specifications of this conference are high and the honored guests present are strong and rare in history. There are many foreign leaders among guests, nearly 50 foreign ministers, there are some heavyweights in the Internet industry: doing my part
湖南长沙。双向10车道的万家丽路上,正架起一座高架桥。高架桥下方两侧,车辆龟速前行。因为高桥大市场是中南最大的货源集散地,交通本就拥挤。当下正建的高架桥,让万家丽路变得更拥堵。  在万家丽路,一栋栋高楼,春笋般冒出,直逼云霄。知名大卖场、写字楼和高档住宅,云集这里。从一栋32层楼高的观光电梯上,往下看:脚底低矮的培蕾小学,像几片破旧的石棉瓦,杂乱地“匍匐”在一堆无人理睬的建筑旁。  30年前,培蕾