优质产品和服务对企业而言,具有战略性的重大意义。一般来讲,产品质量从以下三个方面影响着企业经营:1.市场形象由于产品质量是企业在新产品研制、员工业务素质以及与供应商关系等方面的客观反映,产品质量的好坏,无疑就是企业立足市场的基石和晴雨表。2.成本和盈利能力产品质量与生产效率、生产成本、服务成本高度关联,成本降低必将提高企业的盈利能力。3.社会责任设计、生产、分销有缺陷产品和服务的企业,必定承担使用者因使用产品和服务带来的损失和伤害的赔偿义务。对于生产列入强制性3C 认证目录的电焊机的企业,社会责任在某种意义上高于一切。
Quality products and services are of strategic importance to the business. In general, the quality of products from the following three aspects affect the business: 1. Image of the market As the quality of products in the business of new products development, employee quality and the relationship between suppliers and suppliers objectively reflect the quality of the product is good or bad, It is undoubtedly the cornerstone and barometer of the enterprise based on the market. 2. Cost and profitability Product quality and production efficiency, production costs, service costs are highly correlated, lower costs will improve the profitability of enterprises. 3. Social Responsibility Enterprises that design, produce and distribute defective products and services are bound to bear the obligation to indemnify users for losses and injuries caused by the use of products and services. Social responsibility is above all else in a sense for businesses that manufacture welding machines that are listed in mandatory 3C certification directories.