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安德鲁·怀斯是20世纪美国著名的画家之一,其艺术创作具有鲜明的写实外表与内在抽象表达的个性特征,曾对30年前中国的写实绘画产生过巨大的影响。国内外众多关于怀斯的理论研究偏重于怀斯的生平、绘画风格、技法以及对中国的写实画派的影响。文章试图从怀斯生活的有限的区域环境和绘画创作题材选取的视角,来进一步探究其绘画艺术创作风格形成的本质。通过怀斯的艺术创作如何取材,以及作者与题材之间的丰富情感关系,对当下画家的艺术创作进行深入思考和重新定位有一定启示。 Andrew Wise was one of the most famous painters in the 20th century in the United States. His artistic creation has a distinctive realistic appearance and an inherent character of abstract expression. His works have had a tremendous impact on the realistic painting in China 30 years ago. Many domestic and foreign theoretical research on Wise focuses on the life of Wise, the style of painting, techniques and the influence on Chinese realistic painting. The article attempts to further explore the formation of the style of painting art from the perspective of choosing the limited regional environment and painting theme of Wise’s life. Through the Wise’s artistic creation how the material, as well as the author and the theme of the rich emotional relationship, the artist’s artistic creation for the moment to think deeply and reposition a certain inspiration.
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