【摘 要】
Localized modes in one-dimensional (1D) media with uniaxial scatterers that are assumed to be order in spatial location but disorder in spatial orientation of their optical axis are investigated. Based on the holistic effect model in random laser, i.e., t
【机 构】
【出 处】
Localized modes in one-dimensional (1D) media with uniaxial scatterers that are assumed to be order in spatial location but disorder in spatial orientation of their optical axis are investigated. Based on the holistic effect model in random laser, i.e., the random laser is due to the interaction of the complex localized modes in active random media with local aperiodic quasi-structure with appropriate pump light, a physical model on this type of random media is found. Its disorder degree is defined by D=no/ne. Then, the typical transmission spectrum through the random media and the light field intensity distribution corresponding to the defect modes in photonic band-gap are calculated numerically by means of the transfer matrix method, and the condition that the localized mode appears is discussed. Results show that the medium disorder plays an important role in determining the lightwave state. The localized state appears when the medium disorder is strong enough, and a new mechanism creating random laser phenomenon is brought forward.
基于Wang Tiles纹理合成算法原理,研究纹理图像梯度结构信息、纹理块自适应尺寸以及Tiles集合制作方法对纹理合成质量及合成时间的影响。在判断两纹理块相似程度时,将纹理块的颜色误差和梯度信息同时作为纹理块相似程度的度量标准,其合成效果优于只考虑颜色误差的传统纹理合成算法。同时,使用优化后的纹理块尺寸进行纹理合成,能缩短纹理合成时间。另外,采用改进后的Tiles集合能取得比传统方法更好的合成效
In this Letter, we focus on the theoretical analysis of the relativistic energy and angular distributions of the ejected photoelectrons during the relativistic tunnel ionization of atoms by intense, circularly polarized light. We make a small modification
俄亥俄州德顿消息据美国赖特·帕特森空军基地(Wright Patterson AFB)空间研究实验室的雷诺玆(D.Keynolds)上星期三报导, 用硫化镉作负电阻实验可产生高级的光激射器。
两个简单的量子线路被提出分别用来制备三量子比特Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger(GHZ)态和W态。众所周知, 任意的多量子比特门都可以由受控非门和单量子比特门复合而成。同样, 我们发现三量子比特GHZ态和W态也可以由受控非门和单量子比特门来制备。因此, 从量子计算的角度来看我们的方案十分重要。由于在整个过程只用到了单量子比特操作和双量子比特操作, 所以我们的方案在实验中很容易实现。