Experimental investigation on microstructure behavior of premixed methane-air flame-flow interaction

来源 :Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worthylifelv
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To explore the premixed methane-air flame microstructure behavior and the flame-flow interaction,the premixed methane/air flame was studied in a semi-vented chamber.A high speed camera and schlieren images methods were used to record the processes of interaction between rarefaction wave and flame.Meanwhile,a pressure sensor was utilized to catch the pressure variation in the process of flame propagation.The experiment results showed that the interference of rarefaction wave on flame caused the flame front structure change,which led to the flame transition from laminar to turbulent quickly.The rarefaction wave intervened in the flame by turning the flame front surface into dentiform structure.The violent turbulent combustion began to appear in part of the flame front and spreaded to the whole flame front surface.The rarefaction also decreased the flame propagation speed. To explore the premixed methane-air flame microstructure behavior and the flame-flow interaction, the premixed methane / air flame was studied in a semi-vented chamber. A high speed camera and schlieren images methods were used to record the processes of interaction between rarefaction wave and flame .Meanwhile, a pressure sensor was utilized to catch the pressure variation in the process of flame propagation. the experiment results showed that the interference of rarefaction wave on flame caused the flame front structure change, which led to the flame transition from laminar to turbulent quickly. rarefaction wave intervened in the flame by turning the flame front surface into dentiform structure. violent turbulent combustion began to appear in part of the flame front and spreaded to the whole flame front surface. rarefaction also decreased the flame propagation speed.
东边沙渠后的天空泛白时,村子里有了些声音:开门声、说话声、铁器的碰磕声,一家一家的窗户开始亮了。   渠边村的黎明灰暗而寂寞。没一句牲畜的叫声。偶尔谁家发动拖拉机,突突
前几天,乘夜班飞机回上海,在浦东机场着陆。飞机抵达前,从机窗俯瞰,只见地面灯海璀璨,令人目眩。我发现,飞机竟然从市区上空飞过,黄浦江两岸,密集的楼房和蛛网般的街道犹如水晶砌成。这是我第一次从空中鸟瞰我生活了大半辈子的城区,那些熟悉的地方,竟然那么神秘,那么陌生。  “世博会!世博会!”前后座位上的乘客发出一阵惊呼。  地平线上,出现一片炫目的灯光,这是地上的星云,是人间的彩霞,是烂漫盛开的光之花,
病人男 ,61岁 ,住院号 0 6774 7。入院前二个月 ,发现在颈前有肿物一个 ,约鸽卵大小 ,无痛 ,随吞咽移动 ,无发热 ,无其他不适。以后肿物逐渐增大 ,并出现进行性呼吸与吞咽困