Multiple accumulated-crossover parallel concatenated SPC codes

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangshaohua11
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By constructing an accumulated-crossover relationship in multiple parallel concatenated single parity check(M-PC-SPC) codes,a class of error-correcting codes,termed multiple accumulated-crossover parallel concatenated single parity check(M-ACPC-SPC) codes,is proposed. M-ACPC-SPC codes possess linear encoding complexity and can be decoded iteratively with low complexity by the sum-product algorithm(SPA) . Simulation results show that M-ACPC-SPC codes have lower error floors than M-PCSPC codes with the same dimension,and when the dimension is 5,M-ACPC-SPC codes achieve bit error rate(BER) better than(3,6) regular low density parity check(LDPC) codes. By constructing an integrated-crossover relationship in multiple parallel concatenated single parity check (M-PC-SPC) codes, a class of error-correcting codes, termed multiple accumulated-crossover parallel concatenated single parity check (M- is proposed. M-ACPC-SPC codes possess linear encoding complexity and can be decoded iteratively with low complexity by the sum-product algorithm (SPA). Simulation results show that M-ACPC-SPC codes have lower error floors than M-PCSPC codes (BER) better than (3,6) regular low density parity check (LDPC) codes.
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