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液压五铧犁通过液压装置控制犁的升降,具有结构简单、工作可靠、操作方便、节省劳力等优点。但是,如何才能用好液压五铧犁呢?我们通过实践有以下几点体会。要充分做好使用前的准备工作 1.拖拉机的液压油箱内要加满机油,机油要干净无杂质。 2.检查机油泵、分配器、油缸、高压软管等是否完好。检查油缸是否漏油,如漏油需修好,检查油路各接头有否松动,如有松动应上紧,否则会影响升降。 3.拖拉机和液压五铧犁连接时,必须注意两根高压软管不得上反。否则,就会使分配器的操纵位置和犁的动作不一致,分配器手柄在提升位置,犁却下降。为了安装方便,可在软管上做个记号。 4.工作前,要试验犁的升降是否灵活自如,有否杂音。如果升降困难,应检查机油泵进出口的螺母和油缸进出口螺母是否松动,如松动应上紧。如果升降还是困难,则是上述接头处结合不严密,何空气漏入,观察机油箱内有冒沫、冒泡现象。应用塑料薄垫垫在接口处,然后上紧,并将油缸上端的两个M19螺钉拧 Hydraulic five-plow hydraulic plow control by the lifting device, with a simple structure, reliable, easy operation, saving labor and so on. However, how to make good use of hydraulic five-plow it? Through practice we have the following experience. To fully prepare for use before use 1. Tractor hydraulic tank to fill the oil, oil should be clean and free of impurities. 2. Check the oil pump, distributor, fuel tank, high-pressure hose, etc. are intact. Check whether the fuel tank leakage, such as oil leaks need to be repaired, check the oil joints are loose, if loose should be tight, otherwise it will affect the lift. 3 tractors and hydraulic five-plow connection, we must pay attention to two high-pressure hose shall not be on the anti. Otherwise, the distributor’s operating position will be inconsistent with the plow action, the dispenser handle will be raised, and the plow will descend. For ease of installation, a mark on the hose. 4 before work, to test the plow movements are flexible, there are noisy. If lifting difficulties, should check the import and export of oil pump nut and cylinder nut is loose, such as loose should be tightened. If the lift is still difficult, it is the junction of the joint is not tight, where the air leakage into the observation of the fuel tank foam, bubbling phenomenon. Apply a plastic shim pad to the connector, tighten it, and screw the two M19 screws on the top of the cylinder
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实行流通券核算,一切经济业务的发生都必须通过流通券结算,它是全面经济核算的一种形式。我厂从1979年试行以来,证明有以下几个作用。 1、是正确处理厂内经济关系的有效措施
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