Lymph nodes are the main part of esophageal cancer metastasis. The lymphatic drainage area involves the neck, chest and abdomen. It has important clinical significance for its detection and monitoring. The continuous development of science and technology, various means of inspection continue to be used in clinical, is conducive to the objective and accurate evaluation of the disease. In addition, the lymph node metastasis of esophageal cancer by the degree of tumor differentiation, depth of invasion, tumor length and other factors together, some of which there are still some different views or understanding. Therefore, accurate preoperative lymph node (N) staging and intraoperative assessment of the clinical lymph node dissection provides an important guide. As the pathological diagnosis of technology advances, awareness and detection of lymph node micrometastasis so that the accuracy of N staging has been further improved. Most studies suggest that lymph node metastasis of esophageal cancer significantly affect the prognosis, however, the new international TNM staging only the status of lymph node metastasis into N1 and N0 two states, but did not take into account the location of the lymph node metastasis, number and frequency. Radical surgery is still one of the main ways to treat esophageal cancer. Esophagectomy and lymphadenectomy significantly improve the survival rate of patients with esophageal cancer, but the definition of lymph node dissection of esophageal cancer is still lack of a unified understanding, and postoperative complications Disease also increased with the expansion of the scope of surgery. With the deepening of the research, various reports continue to re-recognize and supplement the existing N staging of esophageal cancer, multi-angle clarify the adverse effects of lymph node metastasis, which will help us to more comprehensive and in-depth understanding and Understand the N staging, and then guide the individual clinical choice of surgical approach.