李山 回国创业比挣钱更有幸福感

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海归中还有很多的人未能人尽其才,这既是他们个人的遗憾,更是国家资源的重大损失。他们经常被批评“不了解国情”。其实,没出过国的人就了解全部国情吗? 1986年7月的一个傍晚。清华大学主楼后厅顶楼,灯火通明。朱镕基院长为经济管理学院应届毕业生设宴饯行。“我一只手把你们从学校送出去,另一只手把你们接到经济建设战线上来。”李山通过了由美国普林斯顿大学邹至庄教授主持的经济类出国留学考试,即将去美国加州大学攻读经济学博士学位。他走到院长面前,告诉他,“我将去美国留学。”“学成一定要回来。”朱镕基说。“没问题,我出国经过严格政审,一定会回来。”李山回答。朱镕基说:”不是政审的问题,国家确实需要人才。” There are still many people in the returnees who have failed to make the best of their abilities. This is not only their personal regret, but also a tremendous loss of their national resources. They are often criticized for “failing to understand the national conditions.” In fact, those who have not been abroad know all the national conditions? One evening in July 1986. Tsinghua University Hall, the main hall attic, brightly lit. President Zhu Rongji set a banquet for the fresh graduates of the School of Economics and Management. “I send you out of school with one hand and the other with you on the economic front.” Li Shan passed the Economic Study Abroad Exam, chaired by Professor Zou Zhizhuang, from Princeton University in the United States, University Ph.D. in Economics. He walked to the dean and told him, “I am going to study in the United States.” “Learning must come back,” said Zhu Rongji. “No problem, I go abroad after a rigorous political examination will certainly be back.” Li Shan replied. Zhu Rongji said: “It is not a matter of political examination. The country really needs talent.”
为明确山西省晋中市春播谷田杂草发生情况,在晋中市春播谷子种植区选取具有代表性的4个县、乡镇,共12块样地,采用倒置“W”取样方法,对杂草发生情况进行调查与分析.结果 表明
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