浏阳是湖南特产珍贵园林观赏植物红花檵木的中心产区,经过20多年的产业化发展,全市生产面积达2 000 hm2,年产苗木达2.2亿株,年销售额达3亿元,分别占全国红花檵木生产总面积、年产量、年销售额的33%、28%、33%,成为国内外著名的“中国红花檵木之乡”。本文总结了浏阳红花檵木品牌形成与发展的历史。
Liuyang is the center of production of safflower Alnus in Hunan, a precious ornamental plant in Hunan Province. After more than 20 years of industrial development, the city’s production area reaches 2 000 hm2 and the annual output of seedlings reaches 220 million with annual sales of 300 million yuan Accounting for 33%, 28% and 33% of the total safflower production area in the country, annual output and annual sales, making it a famous hometown of saffron in China. This article summarizes the history of the formation and development of Liuyang saffron alder brand.