
来源 :声屏世界·广告人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songhongyu8211
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歹鬼带头,这是一句闽南语的俗话。意思是,一群小朋友被老大带坏了。我觉得,拿这句话来形容苏秋萍,是再适合也不过了。话说1996年年尾,我还是个纯真的台湾广告少年的时候,就已经听过远在新加坡的苏秋萍的大名。这个人除了是南洋著名的创意总监外,还是台湾时报广告奖评审名单里的常客。那时侯,我在台湾才刚刚结束第一份广告公司的工作,拥有一个资历只有两年的菜鸟文案,和一个即将出书的新锐四格漫画家的双重身份。对我来说,同样在台北继续做广告并不难,事实上,我也已经找到一家备选的广告公司。但年轻的 Evil priest take the lead, this is a Taiwanese saying. The meaning is that a group of children are spoiled by the boss. I think, take this sentence to describe Su Qiu-ping, is no longer suitable. Saying the end of 1996, when I was an innocent teenager in Taiwan, I had already heard Su Qiu-ping’s name as far as Singapore. In addition to this person is a famous creative director Nanyang, Taiwan Times Awards or review list of frequent flyer. At that time, I was just finishing the first advertising company in Taiwan. I had a rookie copy with only two years of qualifications and an upcoming forthright four-dimensional cartoonist. It’s not hard for me to continue advertising in Taipei, and in fact, I’ve also found an alternative advertising agency. But young