Our work shows that the screening of mouse bone marrow nucleated cell micronuclei assay for radioprotective drugs is a sensitive and simple new indicator. The second phase of the development of radioprotective drugs - verification of titer with large laboratory animals, micronucleus test method is still applicable, which is a need for further study. Generally, we use the lethal or sublethal dose of 30-day survival rate of dogs as the main indicator, supplemented by certain hematological indicators such as white blood cell count and clinical observation of acute radiation sickness symptoms, and then the radiation protective drug potency To be comprehensive evaluation. However, some of these indicators of physiological fluctuations relatively large, and some observation time longer, and some obvious individual differences. Therefore, it is of certain significance to find a new indicator that is sensitive, simple and has a clear biological meaning. Chromosome aberration analysis to some extent to meet the above requirements, but the method is complex, not suitable for the actual needs of large-scale animal experiments, and commonly used experimental animals karyotype is characterized by staining