Serum bound cholic acid (CCA) as a test of liver function as a method, both at home and abroad have been reported. However, the evaluation of CCA is not consistent. Therefore, the author of various types of liver disease in patients with CCA, the report is as follows. Materials and methods First, the object This group of 99 patients, 88 males and 11 females, with an average age of 30.5 years. Diagnoses are in line with the 1983 Second National Conference on the development of viral hepatitis standards, liver biopsy done in 15 cases. Among the 99 cases, 24 cases were acute jaundice hepatitis (acute yellow), 13 cases were acute jaundice (acute yellow), 28 cases were chronic persistent hepatitis (slow-moving liver), chronic active hepatitis or with early liver Sclerosis (collectively referred to as slow living liver) in 20 cases, decompensated cirrhosis in 12 cases, severe hepatitis (severe liver) in 2 cases. In addition, 22 healthy people were tested as controls. Second, the method of patients admitted to hospital within 1 week morning fasting blood. Radioimmunoassay detection, glycocholic acid radioimmunoassay kit provided by the Beijing Institute of Atomic Energy.