Example one, male, 53 years old. More than a month because of dizziness, epistaxis, fever, spit phlegm week, on July 17, 84 admission. Patients began unexplained fatigue and paleness before January and the local hospital diagnosed as “aplastic anemia.” Used testosterone propionate, prednisone drug treatment, the disease was not alleviated. Nearly a week to nose repeated bleeding, accompanied by fever and spit thick sputum, so to hospital treatment. Physical examination: moderate anemia, right upper arm with scattered bleeding spots. Laboratory examination Hb5g, RBC168 million, WBC2600, N32%, L68%, p14 million, bone marrow: reduced proliferation, three lines are less diagnosed aplasia. August 1, 1984 Bone marrow biopsy, hematopoietic cells / adipose tissue 10/90, the interval of nuclear large, bulky naive cells scattered in 3-5 piles,