暑促来临,捷波JN96GT 512Ⅲ跌破千元

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时值7月,随着暑促的到来,DIY开始进入传统旺季,这时各大显卡厂商的促销信息有如雨后春笋般滋生开来。其实这也很好理解,因为显示卡作为当今DIY领域里最为重要的配件产品,向来都是广大业内厂商的必然手段。拼质量,拼服务,拼价格的激烈程度几乎可以用刺刀见红予以形容。但明眼人都明白,在这激烈的夹缝求生战中,惟有价格才是唯一的制胜法宝,亦可称之为市场里的终极风向标。因此,就目前市场上热卖的中端主流显示卡来说,当然不会在此暑促之际依然坚挺着原有的价位,降价促销乃是大势所趋! Time in July, with the arrival of Shucu, DIY began to enter the traditional peak season, when the major graphics card manufacturers have mushroomed marketing information to open up. In fact, this is also well understood, because the graphics card as today’s DIY area of ​​the most important accessories products, has always been the inevitable means of the majority of industry players. Spell quality, fight service, fight the intensity of the price can almost be described as bayonet see red. However, people with clear-eyed understand that in this fierce clash of survival warfare, only the price is the only magic weapon for winning. It can also be called the ultimate benchmark in the market. Therefore, on the current market mainstream mid-mainstream graphics card, of course, will not be on the occasion of this Shucu still strong with the original price, price promotions but the trend of the times!