
来源 :乙醛醋酸化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:davesd
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近年来,由于能源趋于紧张及气候环境恶化的影响,低碳、环保、节能减排成为全世界共同关注的话题,也是各国家和地区、各行各业经济发展的方向和目标。建筑物能量损耗大,因而建筑节能越来越受到国家和社会各界的关注。中国已经连续3年成为世界第一大涂料生产国和消费国,2011年涂料产量在国内经济调整情况下仍创出1080万吨的新高,中国的涂料产业已经成为全球涂料产业发展的风向标。但目前我国涂料产品还是以低档为主,真正的环保、高固体分、高功能化的涂料产品比重还需要提升。 In recent years, low-carbon, environmental protection and energy-saving emission reduction have become the topics of common concern all over the world due to the tense energy shortage and the deteriorating climate. It is also the goal and goal of economic development in all countries, regions and industries. Building energy loss, and therefore building energy saving more and more by the state and community attention. China has become the world’s largest paint producer and consumer for three years in a row. In 2011, paint output still hit a new high of 10.8 million tons under the conditions of domestic economic adjustment. China’s paint industry has become the benchmark for the development of the paint industry in the world. However, at present, our paint products are mainly low-grade ones, and the proportion of real environmentally-friendly, high-solid content and high-functional coating products still needs improvement.