
来源 :炭素技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzbluebus
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铝用炭素材料的弹性模量与其抗热震性有很大的相关性。弹性模量测定分为静态法和动态法,而动态法又有横向振动共振法和纵向振动共振法两种不同的激振方式。从弹性模量的类别来说,静态法和纵向振动共振法都属于长度方向上的应力应变关系,也称之为杨氏模量,而横向振动共振法本质上是切变模量。铝用炭素材料因骨料颗粒较大,不能普遍适合采用横向振动共振法测定弹性模量,而静态法和纵向振动共振法能够很好地测定铝用炭素材料弹性模量。由于铝用炭素材料弹性形变阶段的非线性,采用静态法测定的结果明显要比纵向振动共振法小。鉴于铝用炭素材料在铝电解过程中处于受迫振动状态,采用纵向振动共振法测定弹性模量能够更加真实地反映铝电解生产的实际情况。 The elastic modulus of carbon materials for aluminum has a great correlation with its thermal shock resistance. The elastic modulus is divided into static method and dynamic method, and the dynamic method has two different excitation methods: transverse vibration resonance method and longitudinal vibration resonance method. From the category of elastic modulus, both the static method and the longitudinal vibration resonance method belong to the stress-strain relationship in the lengthwise direction, which is also called the Young’s modulus, and the transverse vibration resonance method is essentially a shear modulus. The carbon materials for aluminum are not generally suitable for the determination of elastic modulus due to the large aggregate particles, but the static method and longitudinal vibration resonance method can well determine the elastic modulus of aluminum carbon material. Due to the non-linearity of the phase of elastic deformation of aluminum carbon materials, the results obtained by the static method are obviously smaller than the longitudinal vibration resonance method. In view of the forced vibration of aluminum carbon material in the process of aluminum electrolysis, using the longitudinal vibration resonance method to determine the elastic modulus can more truly reflect the actual situation of aluminum electrolysis.
地震是一种常见的自然灾害,具有不确定性和复杂性,目前的科技水平还无法对地震作用及建筑物的抗力进行准确预测及精准计算. 建筑结构的抗震设计涉及很多方面,受到很多不确定