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提起“医生”这个名字,人们很自然地把它和“救死扶伤”联系起来。医生,以他们高尚的医德和精湛的医术为人们医病疗伤,解除疾苦;以博爱的情怀,千方百计地把那些奄奄一息、生命垂危的患者救治过来,赢得人们的尊敬,被称为“白衣天使”、“生命的守护神”。尽管市场经济大潮中拜金主义给他们中的少数人涂抹了灰黑,然而,整个医疗战线依然充满着救死扶伤的精神。人们不会忘记:在“非典”时期,在一次次抗击自然灾害的斗争中,那些英勇无畏的白衣战士们不顾个人安危,全力救治伤病员的一幕幕感人情景。他们的壮举,理所当然地受到公众的信赖和爱戴。 Mentioning the name “doctor”, it is natural to associate it with “healing”. Doctors, with their noble medical ethics and superb medical treatment for people healing, relieve suffering; with fraternity, do everything possible to those who are dying, life-threatening patients cured and win people’s respect, known as the “white angel ”,“ Patron saint of life ”. Although the money-worship of the few has been smeared by the money-market in the tide of the market economy, the entire medical front is still full of the spirit of saving lives and wounded. People will not forget that in the “SARS” period, in the fight against natural disasters again and again, those brave and brave white soldiers, regardless of their own personal safety, fully treat the sick and patient scenes of touching scenes. Their feat, of course, receives the trust and love of the public.
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周福明,江苏人,1935年生,1953年到1959年在杭州时美理发室工作。1959年12月,毛主席在杭州过生日,他被派给主席理发,随后调到主席身边工作。一直到主席逝世,周福明在毛泽东身边整整工作了17年。他说一生最难忘的两件事,一次是给主席第一次理发,另一次是给主席最后一次理发。毛泽东逝世后,周福明一直精心看护着毛泽东的故居。他说,只要身体还行,就会一直看护下去。    第一次给主席理发    1
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