只要我们善用上帝赋予的力量,一切就皆有可能。搬家后,我做的头一件事就是确定一条晨跑路线。当我在拂晓的清新空气中上路,看着这个世界慢慢苏醒,心也随着脚下的节拍而跳动。每到此时,我都会觉得生命是这样鲜活,充满各种可能。一个清晨,我跑步经过街角,看到一群游荡在避难所门前的流浪汉。他们大概有1 0个人。我大声对他们说:“早上好!”他们先是一愣,随即反应过来,试探着招手回
As long as we make good use of the power God has given us, everything is possible. After moving, the first thing I did was to determine a morning run route. When I was on the dawn of the fresh air, watching the world slowly wake up, the heart beat with the rhythm of the foot. Every time, I will feel that life is so fresh and full of possibilities. One morning, I ran through the corner of the street to see a group of wanderers roaming the shelter. They have about 10 people. I loudly said to them: “Good morning! ” They first surprised a moment, then react, tentatively waved