疫情报告在传染病的预防及控制工作中起着举足轻重的作用。加强管理和健全三级疫情报告网,及时对疫情报告网的运作情况作出分析就尤显重要。笔者就开阳县1997年元月1日至1997年12月30日的居民传染病漏报调查结合同期全县疫情报告点上疫情检查情况综合分析了本县传染病在三级医疗机构中的就诊情况、报病情况,对今后指导、健全全县的疫情管理工作起到了积极的作用。1 资料与方法1.1 资料来源。县乡两级1997年全年的疫情监测资料,年
The epidemic report plays a decisive role in the prevention and control of infectious diseases. It is especially important to strengthen the management and improvement of the three-level outbreak reporting network and timely analyze the operation of the outbreak reporting network. The author of Kaiyang County, January 1, 1997 to December 30, 1997 residents of infectious diseases omission survey combined with the county over the same period reporting the epidemic situation of a comprehensive analysis of the epidemic of infectious diseases in tertiary medical institutions Visits, reported the situation, the guidance for the future, and improve the management of the epidemic in the county has played a positive role. 1 materials and methods 1.1 sources. County and township levels in 1997 throughout the year epidemic monitoring data, year