随着央行在短时间内的连续降息 ,保险公司原先出售的固定高利率并以复利计的保险产品仍需按原定的利率履行给付 ,这就造成了保险业的巨额利差损。利差损的增大 ,给保险业偿付能力带来较大压力。保险公司要化解因利差损过大给业务发展带来的压力 ,就必须端正经营思路 ,完善经营考核机制 ,实行产品创新 ,优化业务结构 ,拓宽资金投资渠道 ,提高资金收益率。
As the Central Bank cut interest rates continuously in a short period of time, the original high interest rate insurance products sold by insurance companies still need to be paid at the original interest rate. This has resulted in a huge loss for the insurance industry. As the spread increases, the pressure on the solvency of the insurance industry will be greater. If insurance companies are to ease the pressure caused by excessive business losses caused by excessive profits, they must rectify their business ideas, improve their business evaluation mechanisms, implement product innovation, optimize their business structures, broaden their investment channels and raise their returns on capital.