基于不同类型的风险源对元上都遗址区生态环境造成的胁迫,采用GIS技术对该区域2000、2005、2010年3期遥感影像资料解译,并结合近30 a气象资料及实地勘察,对元上都遗址区存在的主要区域开发类型及风险源进行识别和受体分析。
Based on the different types of sources of stress on the ecological environment in Shangdu site area, GIS technology was used to interpret the remote sensing image data of the three periods in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in the area. Combined with the past 30 years’ meteorological data and field investigation, Yuan on the site of the existence of the main regional development types and sources of risk identification and receptor analysis.