
来源 :航海 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:claverchou
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绚丽多彩而又富于冒险和传奇色彩的航海生活使诗人和作家们心驰神游、浮想联翩。古往今来,有多少名闻遐迩的诗人、作家与海洋结下了不解之缘,写下了一些不朽的航海文学名著。史蒂文生便是一个酷爱航海生活而又以其航海小说著称于世的作家。 Colorful and adventurous and legendary sailing life make poets and writers inspired, imaginative. Since ancient times, how many famous poets, writers and the sea have formed an indissoluble bond, wrote some immortal masterpiece of maritime literature. Steven Wensheng is a writer who is passionate about sea life and is known for his nautical novels.