H_2~+-Like Impurities Confined by Spherical Quantum Dots:a Candidate for Charge Qubits

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winter2009
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We have calculated the electron energy of the ground and lower excited states for H_2~+-like impurity statesconfined in finite spherical quantum dots in GaAs.Based on the characteristics of energy levels,we have proposed ascheme for realizing charge qubit composed by the the ground and the first excited states of this confined double donorsystem for the first time.In the proposed scheme the charge qubit is coded in terms of the located electronic states. We have calculated the electron energy of the ground and the lower excited states for H_2 ~ + -like impurity statesconfined in finite spherical quantum dots in GaAs. Based on the characteristics of energy levels, we have proposed ascheme for reality charge qubit composed by the ground and the first excited states of this confined double donorsystem for the first time. In the proposed scheme the charge qubit is coded in terms of the located electronic states.
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