穆青新闻作品研讨会: 在中国记协和新华社联合举办的“穆青新闻作品研讨会”开幕之际,中共新华社党组对“研讨会”的召开表示热烈的祝贺,对为党的新闻事业和新华社的发展作出重大贡献的穆青同志表示诚挚的敬意,对参加这次研讨会的新闻界老前辈和其他同志表示欢迎和感谢! 穆青同志既是党的新闻战线上德高望重的老领导,又是在人民群众中享有盛誉的名记者。半个多世纪以来,他把自己的全部身心奉献给了党的新闻事业并作出了重大贡献。党的新闻史上许多具有重
Mu Qing News Workshops: At the opening of “Mu Qing News Work Seminar” co-organized by China Association of Record Writers and Xinhua News Agency, the CPC Xinhua News Agency delegation warmly congratulated the convening of the “Symposium” Career and the development of Xinhua News Agency, Muqing expressed his sincere respect and expressed his welcome and gratitude to the press predecessors and other comrades participating in the seminar. Comrade Mu Qing is both an old leader with dignity and credibility in the party’s information front It is also a well-known reporter among the people. For more than half a century, he devoted all his body and soul to the party’s journalism and made a significant contribution. Many of the Party’s news history has its own weight