
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lenchoguo
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10月11日10时左右,岳阳市湘阴县海事部门接到险情报告,称一艘船号为“湘岳货1299”的货船在湘江湘阴段起火燃烧,船上有12名当班船员。经了解,该船船舶吨位1418吨,装载河砂1400吨,除了4名跳水逃生的船员之外,船上仍有8名船员“被困”。县政府接到应急办和海事部门的报告后,迅速启动湘阴县水上交通事故应急救援预案,救援人员和救援船只赶赴“事故”现场。 At about 10 o’clock on October 11, Yueyang City, Xiangyin County, the maritime sector received a report of the danger, saying that a ship number “Xiang Yue goods 1299 ” in the Xiangjiang River fire broke out on board the ship, there are 12 on board crew . It is understood that the ship tonnage of 1418 tons, 1400 tons loaded river sand, in addition to the four crew members to escape the escape, there are still eight crew members on board “trapped.” After receiving the report from the Emergency Office and the maritime department, the county government promptly started the emergency rescue plan for water traffic accidents in Xiangyin County. Rescue workers and rescue boats rushed to the scene of “accident”.
AIM:Intrahepatic extension is the main cause of liver failureand death in hepatocellular carcinoma patients.The smallGTPase Rho and one of its effector molecul
钛合金具有较高的室温和高温比强度、低密度、高弹性模量 ,加入高强度、高刚度的增强相可进一步提高其比弹性模量、比强度和抗蠕变能力 ,因此钛基复合材料 (TMCs)成为超高音
由中华医学会老年医学分会老年消化病学组织的中华医学会第三届全国老年消化专业学术会议于 2 0 0 3年 9月16~ 18日在桂林市召开 ,与会代表 150人 ,来自全国 2 0余个省、市、
3月10日,中日室内对抗赛第3站在上海莘庄训练基地田径馆举行。中国队以145分比83分战胜日本队。 March 10, the third stop of the Sino-Japanese indoor competition held
High static power limits the application of conventional current-mode logic(CML).This paper presents a power-efficient switchable CML driver,which achieves a si
<正> 陆费逵先生(1886—1941)生于陕西汉中府,原籍浙江桐乡县。幼靠母亲授读,熟习多种经典古籍。1903年春,在武昌组织“日知会”。第二年秋,与人创办新学界书店。1905年秋,任